Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)


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A year after the Battle of Crait, Kylo Ren discovers that, somehow, Emperor Palpatine is still alive. Initially hoping to kill him, Kylo is persuaded to join Palpatine after he sees that the latter has, somehow, by himself, created an entire fleet of Star Destroyers. He also learns that Rey is Palpatine’s granddaughter, and that Palpatine wants to kill and/or convert her, depending on what scene he’s in. Meanwhile, Rey learns that Palpatine is alive, and so she, Finn and Poe set off to find a dagger, which will help them find a thing, which will lead them to the Emperor. I think. Will they do any of that? Watch the movie to find out. Continue reading

Underrated Directors Who Should Totally Helm A Blockbuster


Directors; to many casual film goers, they are the driving force behind all aspects of a movie. And while those of us who actually work in film, writing scripts, editing footage, mixing sound and so on, know that this isn’t true, it is true that directors can have a huge influence on a picture’s look, tone, and style. And that look and style can attract audiences, and make the pictures better as a whole. Now there are certain directors whose look and style have become well known to the public–the Spielbergs, the Burtons, the Tarantinos–but there are others whose talent is clear when you watch their films but, for whatever reason, they and their work have remained out of the spotlight. I’d like to remedy that today. Here is my list of awesome, underrated directors who should totally helm a blockbuster. Why a blockbuster? Because that’s what most people see, and, if we’re being honest with ourselves, it’s the only way most of us will ever hear about these artists. Continue reading

Is The Rose Storyline In The Last Jedi Really Pointless?


So I’ve been surfing the web recently, and I’ve been reading a lot of reviews for Star Wars: The Last Jedi which criticize my new favorite character, Rose, and her storyline. They all pretty much have the same thing to say, “her storyline is pointless. It adds up to nothing.” Continue reading

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


The Resistance is on the run. The First Order has destroyed their base, and they’re looking to wipe them out for good. And unlike every other time this has happened, our heroes can’t just jump into hyper-space and fly away, since the First Order has developed the means to track them. So it’s up to Finn, Po, and newcomer Rose to find a way to disable the bad guy’s ship. Meanwhile, Ray has found Luke Skywalker, and is trying to get him to come out of hiding. But this might be a harder task than previously thought, since Luke has shut himself off, not just from everyone, but the force as well. Continue reading

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Thirty years after the Empire’s defeat, Luke Skywalker has disappeared, and the galaxy faces a new threat; the First Order. (Well, okay, they’re not really a new threat, since they’re basically just the Empire’s leftovers, but whatever). The First Order wants to know where Luke is, and so they send goons after Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, who possesses a map to the legendary Jedi. Unbeknownst to Poe, however, one of the First ORder’s stormtroopers, Finn, has been having doubts, and so springs him out of captivity, and tries to get him and BB8, the droid in which the map is stored, away. Unfortunately, they crash on the desert planet Jaku, where they meet orphan scavenger Ray, who wants to help, and who may have powers she never knew were there. Continue reading